Obfuscat - 130 (Web Exploitation)

Writeup by Oksisane


Ready for some obfus-cat-ion? ;) Have fun: http://obfuscat.problem.sctf.io


It's a static HTML file. There's no server-side games being played here.



Figure out the string corresponding to the final hash check and work backwards to construct the flag


Checking the source of the page, the following comment seems suspicious:

// http://md5online.net

At the end of the JavaScript the final check which determines if the input is valid compares a string to the md5 hash 0f957300a52431c2d0de0da9fc7223c9

if (CryptoJS.MD5(string).toString() == "0f957300a52431c2d0de0da9fc7223c9") {
    document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Correct!";
} else {
    throw Error();

Running this hash through md5online.net gives the string r3v3rse_th1s_str1ng. After this, the only challenge left is to reverse the JavaScript provided such that the string variable is set to r3v3rse_th1s_str1ng.

Initial Steps

The first step for any JavaScript obfuscation challenge is to make the source code easier to read, adding line breaks and braces where needed. jsbeautifier outputs this source which is a lot cleaner.

Another hint added later in the competition tells us the flag format is flag{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}. The code:

 var query = location.search.substring(1).split(/{|}/);
 if (query[0] != "flag") throw Error();
    // flag format: flag{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
 if (query[2]) throw Error();
 var message = ("The " + query[0] + " is a string.").split(" ");
 var query2 = query[1].split("$");

will split the flag string such that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is set to query[2]. query[0] is set to flag, and message is set to ["The","flag","is","a","string"] due to the `.split(" "). The next line,

var query2 = query[1].split("$");

splits the flag string, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx based on the character $. This array becomes very important later in the problem. Another hint states that Only query2[8] has more than one character, so we can construct the flag like this: flag(x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$xx).

The rest of this problem will be filling in these 9 sections of the flag.


The next piece of code is interesting.

if (query2[8].split("").map(function(k) {
    return k.charCodeAt(0);
}).reduce(function(y, n) {
    return y + Math.pow(n ^ 95, 4);
}) != 0x2f7b81) throw Error();

Given that query2[8] is two characters the function can be essentially simplified to:

char1 + (char2 ^ 95)**4

where ^ is the xor function. The following python script guesses characters until they satisfy the condition

for a in range(33,126):
    for b in range(33,126):
        if 0x2f7b81 == (a + (b^95)**4):
            print chr(a) + " " + chr(b)

The output of this code function is qu, giving us the first piece of the flag!

The next section of the code performs some functions on the message variable. Since we already know the contents of message we can figure out the value of the three variables by running the code on the message and breakpointing the result. h.words turns out to be equal to [108211444, 434422999, -821768299], and will be used later. We can ignore the other two variables since they are never used in the code. Some functions put in the array funcs next, which we will need later in the challenge.


The next section of the code creates a MersenneTwister object. A Mersenne Twister is a way of generating random numbers based off a seed value. Crucially, if the MersenneTwister is seeded with the same value it will always return the same numbers in the same order.

Looking at this code:

var m = new MersenneTwister((funcs[0] + "" [~~(query2[0] / 21)]).split(/\s/).join("").split("").map(function(x) {
    return x.charCodeAt(0);
}).reduce(function(a, b) {
    return a + b;
}) + 0xa0);

there is only one portion of our input mentioned, query2[0]. However, even this is misleading because ~~(query2[0] / 21)]) always evaluates to 0 since query2[0] is a string. Thus, the whole instantiation of the object can be simplified to

var m = new MersenneTwister(4744)



At last we come to the construction of the string variable. The variable seems to be made up of 3 parts, joined together with a delimiter between them. Sound familiar? The 3 parts are very likely the three words of the string we found at the start, r3v3rse_th1s_str1ng with the delimiter _. Since the code used to delimit is

[stringarray].join(funcs[0](query2[3].charCodeAt(0) + 0xF));

we need a character that when added to 16 (0xF) equals _. It turns out this is P, so that is the value of query2[3].

The last step that remains is reversing each of the three indexes used to make r3v3rse, th1s, and str1ng.

In case you want to keep track, so far we have filled in two of the 9 indexes of the flag, making the current string flag{x$x$x$P$x$x$x$x$qu}


The code we are given for the first index of string is:

(function(n) {
return n.split("").map(funcs[query2[5].charCodeAt(0) ^ 66]).join("") + n.charAt(query2[6].charCodeAt(0) - query2[7].charCodeAt(0));
            })(funcs[1](Array.prototype).sort()[query2[1].charCodeAt(0) - 0x65].substring(0, 6))

The code executes a function based on the input

funcs[1](Array.prototype).sort()[query2[1].charCodeAt(0) - 0x65].substring(0, 6)

funcs[1] is Object.getOwnPropertyNames. Running this on Array.prototype and sorting the output gives:

["concat", "constructor", "copyWithin", "entries",
"every", "fill", "filter", "find", "findIndex", "forEach",
"includes", "indexOf", "join", "keys", "lastIndexOf",
"length", "map", "pop", "push", "reduce", "reduceRight",
"reverse", "shift", "slice", "some", "sort", "splice",
"toLocaleString", "toString", "unshift"]

We can see reverse at the 21st index of the array. This must be how the function gets the string r3vers3! Since the code gets the element

query2[1].charCodeAt(0) - 0x65]

from the array, we can compute 21+64, which is z if converted to ASCII! This is the value of query2[1]. Next we analyze the function this is called on (keep in mind substring(0,6) which only gives us the first 6 characters of reverse):

function(n) one {
    return n.split("").map(funcs[query2[5].charCodeAt(0) ^ 66]).join("") + n.charAt(query2[6].charCodeAt(0) - query2[7].charCodeAt(0));

The function calls funcs[query2[5].charCodeAt(0) ^ 66] on each character of our input. Looking at the list of functions in func, func[2] is most likely the function being called since it returns a character. Thus, query2[5].charCode(0) ^ 66 must be equal 2 to. Solving for query2[5] gives us @ as the character!

Looking at func[2], we can see it returns either the input character or 3 if the input is equal to query2[2]. This is most likely how our string revers has e replaced with three. This gives us query2[2]! Finally, the function adds the character

n.charAt(query2[6].charCodeAt(0) - query2[7].charCodeAt(0))

the string r3v3rs. This must be how the gets the e added back on! Since it is not immediately clear what the values of the two variables in query2[6].charCodeAt(0) - query2[7].charCodeAt(0) actually are (we can only figure out the difference between them), we will come back to this later.

Our flag is now: flag{x$z$e$P$x$@$x$x$qu}

We also know that the ASCII values of query2[6] and query2[7] are either 1 or 4 apart (indexes of the e in the string revers)


We start off the word th1s with this code:

funcs[query2[8].charCodeAt(1) - 0x72](function(m, n) {
    return m + (funcs[0](n ^ h.words.splice(0, 1) & 0xff));

Since we already know the value of query2[8] we can simplify this to:

funcs[3](function(m, n) {
    return m + (funcs[0](n ^ h.words.splice(0, 1) & 0xff));

replacing func[3] with the actual function yeilds this.

[query2[4], 0x9c, 0xe6, ~~(query2[6].charCodeAt(0) *
2)].reduce(function(m, n) {
    return m + (funcs[0](n ^ h.words.splice(0, 1) &

Another reduce, this time with more than 2 arguments! If you are unfamiliar with reduce, you can read up about it here. Remember h.words we used earlier? The numbers, [108211444, 434422999, -821768299] will finally come into use here. We first notice that the reduce function performs an operation on a set of 4 integers to create the string th1s. The first character, query2[4] is used to start the string. That means query2[4] must be equal to t!

Next, the characters h and 1 are generated from the calculation funcs[0](n ^ h.words.splice(0, 1). Each time this is performed, a number is removed from h.words. Finally, the same calculation is run on the last character, query2[6].charCodeAt(0) * 2. Since we know what the final character must be, we can construct the equation

(n ^ -821768299 & 0xff)/2 = query2[6]

This gives us 115, or s in ascii, the value of query2[6]! Using what we discovered above we also know that query2[7] is either one more than query2[6] (r) or 4 more (w).

Our flag is now flag{x$z$e$P$t$@$s$r$qu}


Running the function

[181, 78, 28, query2[0].charCodeAt(0), 225, 129].map(function(x) {
      return funcs[0](((m.genrand_int32() * Math.sqrt(m.random())) & 0xff) ^ x);

we can see that it generates the first three characters, str based off the seed provided. MersenneTwister will generate the same numbers in the same order based on the seed (which we know is 4744). So, we need the output of the 7th and 8th usages of the random function to give the 1 in str1ng. Evaluating this quick script gave us the answer:

function threeSolve(guess){
    var m = new MersenneTwister(4744);
    var three = [181, 78, 28, guess, 225, 129].map(function(x) {
            return String.fromCharCode(((m.genrand_int32() * Math.sqrt(m.random())) & 0xff) ^ x);
    return three
for (var i = 0; i < 255; i++){
    if (threeSolve(i) == 'str1ng'){

which gave the output 83 or S. We now have all the characters needed for the flag! If we navigate to http://obfuscat.problem.sctf.io?flag{S$z$e$P$t$@$s$r$qu} we can verify the flag is correct!

